Escure n.d.

Escure, Geneviève. n.d. Here I refer to my own knowledge or the knowledge of my informants consulted; I usually had my own non-native speaker's intuition cross-checked by native speakers of Cameroon Pidgin English.

  author = {Escure, Geneviève},
  key    = {Escure's own knowledge},
  note   = {Here I refer to my own knowledge or the knowledge of my informants consulted; I usually had my own non-native speaker's intuition cross-checked by native speakers of Cameroon Pidgin English.},
  title  = {Here I refer to my own knowledge or the knowledge of my informants consulted; I usually had my own non-native speaker's intuition cross-checked by native speakers of Cameroon Pidgin English.},
  type   = {Unpublished source material record},
  year   = {n.d.}