Herlein 1718

Herlein, J.D. 1718. Beschryvinge van de volk-plantinge Zuriname. Leeuwarden: Meindert Injema. (Sranan fragment published in: Arends, Jacques & Matthias Perl. 1995. Early Suriname Creole Texts. A collection of 18th-century Sranan and Saramaccan documents. Frankfurt/Madrid: Iberoamericana.)

  address   = {Leeuwarden},
  author    = {Herlein, J.D.},
  booktitle = {Beschryvinge van de volk-plantinge Zuriname},
  key       = {Herlein 1718},
  note      = {Sranan fragment published in: Arends, Jacques & Matthias Perl. 1995. Early Suriname Creole Texts. A collection of 18th-century Sranan and Saramaccan documents. Frankfurt/Madrid: Iberoamericana.},
  publisher = {Meindert Injema},
  title     = {Beschryvinge van de volk-plantinge Zuriname},
  type      = {Bibliographical record},
  url       = {https://books.google.de/books?id=LW4NtwAACAAJ},
  year      = {1718}