Bernabé (1983: 331) underlines: "[...] une relative ayant comme antécédent un nom accompagné de l'article défini doit obligatoirement se terminer par un article de rappel."
Thus, if the main clause contains a noun with a definite article, the relative clause will automatically end with a repetition of the article, marking down the relative clause in basilectal creole:
boug-la ki ka vann liv la
[man DEF who sell book la]
'the man who sells books'
boug-la ki ka vann liv-la la
[man DEF who sell book DEF la]
'the man who sells the book'
See also Ludwig 1992, Ludwig & Pfänder 2003
Source: Ludwig 1996: 305
Source: Ludwig 1996: 305
Source: Bernabé 2003: 193