The creole variety spoken on St. Vincent and the Grenadines is English-based. It has neither official nor national status in these territories but is diffused nationwide. The APiCS documents one mesolectal attestation for Vincentian in the feature “Raining constructions”, but the default lect featured in APiCS is the basilectal variety of Vincentian Creole. This variety can be heard in urban and rural communities on mainland St. Vincent as well as on the Grenadines. No language survey has been conducted nationwide nor in the diaspora communities in North America, Britain and other Caribbean territories to indicate what percentage of the Vincentian population uses this lect. What can be ascertained, however, is that the basilectal varieties are also given airplay during interactive radio-shows, radio-diffused or televised drama festivals and carnival song competitions. Although the variety is mainly oral, there have been attempts at representing this lect in writing, particularly in folk poetry.