Datapoint Louisiana Creole/Savvy

A reflex of savoir is attested in the Pointe Coupee variety of Louisiana Creole. Compare Dictionary of Louisiana Creole (Valdman et. at. 1998: sv se4):

se v. (PC) sè (MO 60). To know, savoir. Mo se pa si mo te deja mariye. I don't know if I was already married. (PC); Men mo se pa sa l e anni pou. I don't know why it's braying. (PC); Bouki sè sa k to fé. Bouki knows what you are doing. (MO 60). REM: The usual Creole verb is konen. The form se may best be regarded as due to French influence.

In Breaux Bridge I have only heard a White Creole use se. It is extremely marginal in this variety and therefore considered absent here.


A savvy word does not exist
