SPT 1762

SPT. 1762. The Saramaka Peace Treaty in Sranan: An edition of the 1762 text (including a copy of the original manuscript). Creolica. Revue du Groupe Européen de Recherches en Langues Créoles. (http://www.creolica.net).

  author  = {SPT},
  editor  = {Arends, Jacques and van den Berg, Margot},
  journal = {Creolica. Revue du Groupe Européen de Recherches en Langues Créoles},
  key     = {SPT 1762},
  note    = {http://www.creolica.net},
  title   = {The Saramaka Peace Treaty in Sranan: An edition of the 1762 text (including a copy of the original manuscript)},
  type    = {Bibliographical record},
  year    = {1762}