54 Suppletion according to tense and aspect

This feature is described more fully in chapter 54.


For this feature (based on WALS feature 79, by Ljuba Veselinova), we ask whether verbs exhibit suppletion (different stems in different grammatical contexts) depending on different tense or aspect forms. We distinguish two degrees of suppletion. In strong suppletion, there are two different stems that share no phonological material at all (as English go vs. went), whereas in weak suppletion, the two irregularly related stems share some phonological material (as English think vs. thought).

Formal irregularity is determined by synchronic, not by diachronic criteria; therefore, the historical origin of the suppletive forms and their etymologies are not taken into account here.


Philippe Maurer and the APiCS Consortium


Weak suppletion according to tense only6
Strong suppletion according to tense only17
Weak suppletion according to aspect only2
Strong suppletion according to aspect only1
Strong suppletion according to both tense and aspect5
No suppletion according to tense or aspect45

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