Kriol has a "long" set of demonstrative pronouns (proximal dijan~diswan (sg.) and dis-lot (pl.); distal tharran~jarran~jadan and that-lot~jat-lot (pl.)) and a "short" set of adnominal demonstratives (proximal dij~dis and distance-neutral that~jet~det, the latter also used as recognitional determiner, akin to a definite article (see Feature 28 "Definite articles").
While the adnominal demonstratives are only used adnominally, except for a textdeictic use of the distance-neutral form, the pronominal demonstratives have both a pronominal and an adnominal use (much more frequent for the proximal form, however). A third set of adverbial demonstratives theya 'there (distal)' and hiya 'here (proximal)' also have an adnominal use.
Source: Nicholls 2006: 2
Source: Sandefur and Sandefur 1982: 65
Source: Sandefur 1979: 98
Source: Sandefur and Sandefur 1982: 65
Source: Nicholls 2013