Creus and Brunat 1992

Creus, Jacint and Brunat, Ma. Antonia. 1992. Cuentos Annoboneses de Guinea Ecuatorial. Malabo: Centro Cultural Hispano-Guineano. 163pp. (Note: The examples are not published. They are part of rewritten stories by one of my informants. These stories were originally gathered and published by these autors. But as the texts were far from being a 'normal' Fa d'Ambô and the stories very funny I asked my informants to rewrite them in a daily Fa d'Ambô using the writing we agreed on.)

  address   = {Malabo},
  author    = {Creus, Jacint and Brunat, Ma. Antonia},
  booktitle = {Cuentos Annoboneses de Guinea Ecuatorial},
  key       = {Creus & Brunat 1992},
  note      = {Note: The examples are not published. They are part of rewritten stories by one of my informants. These stories were originally gathered and published  by these autors. But as the texts were far from being a 'normal' Fa d'Ambô and the stories very funny I asked my informants to rewrite them in a daily Fa d'Ambô using the writing we agreed on.},
  pages     = {163},
  publisher = {Centro Cultural Hispano-Guineano},
  title     = {Bibi patu xi na lega pa telif},
  type      = {Bibliographical record},
  year      = {1992}