Meakins and O'Shannessy 2005

Meakins, Felicity and O'Shannessy, Carmel. 2005. Possessing variation: Age and inalienability related variables in the possessive constructions of two Australian mixed languages. Monash University Linguistics Papers 4. 43-63.

  author  = {Meakins, Felicity and O'Shannessy, Carmel},
  journal = {Monash University Linguistics Papers},
  key     = {Meakins & O’Shannessy 2005},
  pages   = {43-63},
  title   = {Possessing variation: Age and inalienability related variables in the possessive constructions of two Australian mixed languages},
  type    = {Bibliographical record},
  volume  = {4},
  year    = {2005}